A cool new toy

I recently got my hands on the Perfect Pull-up. It is well made and solid in its design. I like the fact that it allows the user to not only do a variety of pull-ups and chin-ups but due to its clever design, it may also be positioned to allow a variety of reclined pulling exercises as well.

Add to this the removable rotating handles and you have an innovative and useful device right in your own home. The rotating handles work separately from the bar, which allows you to toss them in your gym bag and play with the various pull-up options at your favorite gym as well.

Visit the Perfect pull-up web-site for some cool workout ideas. They also have video demos of the various exercises. http://tinyurl.com/yhqqyd4

So if you are in the market for a home pull-up system, take a look at the perfect pull-up and see what you think. If the price is putting you off, then be sure to look around. I found mine for under $20.00 at a local drug store.

