Conditioning – Just shut up and do it!

By Jason Klofstad 

Total Body Circuit #1

Warm Up:

Jump Rope — 2 minutes


Dumbbell Thruster————–60 seconds

Renegade Row (dumbbell)—–60 seconds

T-Stance Pushup—————-60 seconds

Mountain Climbers————–60 seconds

Sit-Throughs———————60 seconds

Dumbbell Swings—————-60 seconds (30 sec. L / 30 sec. R)

Burpies (Squat-thrust w/pushup and jump)-60 seconds


1 minute of rest between circuits. Work to complete 3 total circuits for a total of 21 minutes of work, excluding the warm-up.


• You should be completely taxed after each 60 second round. Select weights accordingly. By example, you should be struggling for the last few repetitions on the thrusters, etc. as you approach the 60 second mark.

• Transition immediately from one exercise to the next. For example, after the dumbbell thrusters, place them on the floor and immediately begin the renegade rows. After the rows, release the dumbbells, stay in position and go right into the T-stance pushup. Have whatever you need for each exercise already set up to use.

• This circuit is 7 exercises at 1 minute each for a total of 7 continuous minutes of physical exertion per circuit. The idea is to develop your strength and conditioning simultaneously. Therefore, do everything you can to continue working for the entire time on each exercise. Pace yourself. Slow down if you must, but DO NOT STOP working!

• If 20lb. dumbbells are suitable for thrusters but too light for rows, have multiple dumbbells available.

• Adjust your progression accordingly. If you’re not able to do 3 full circuits, work up to it. If you’re able to complete 3 circuits, increase the intensity of each exercise and circuit by:

a) increasing speed (performing more reps per 60 sec. interval)

b) increasing weight

c) decreasing the rest time

• Add dumbbells to the burpies to increase the intensity.

• Feel free to add a weighted vest to give more resistance throughout the circuit.

Now get to it!

The Viking has spoken.

Eating Plan to Pack on Muscle Without the Fat

Let’s face it; eating plans are not always about losing weight. Some of us would like to add as much muscle as possible while still maintaining a solid physique. Many folks will argue that you can not add muscle and stay lean at the same time. This simply is not true. If you are serious about your goals and follow a well structured, cyclical P.E.P., you can add muscle while maintaining a lean, athletic body.

This P.E.P. is a weekly plan which requires specific eating patterns be followed on specific days. Each weekly cycle is the same. Days 1-3 are high protein / low carb days. Day 4 is a moderate protein / high carb day. Days 5-7 are high carb / high protein days. I recommend that you follow this type of plan for 8-12 weeks and then return to a more balanced approach like my Basic Eating Plan. Keep in mind that when ever one adds new lean mass then daily and weekly calories and macro-nutrient ratios must be re-calibrated to take into account the new you.

Below is an example of what the weekly schedule might look like on a day by day, meal by meal basis.

DAY(s) 1-3 = High Protein / Low Carbs

Meal 1. Omelet with 4 whole eggs, 4 strips of Bacon or Sausage. Feel free to use butter or any “friendly” oil of your choice (Olive, Walnut etc)

Meal 2. 2 scoop Whey Protein + 1 Tbsp Flax Oil in 10 Oz water

Meal 3. 8 Oz grilled Chicken breast or Turkey

Meal 4. Protein drink as above

Meal 5. Steak 10 Oz (or other lean meat) with veggies, salad & avocado

Meal 6. Protein drink as above

Cal = 1854 / Protein = 200g / Carbs = 30g / Fat = 107g

DAY 4 = Mod Protein / High Carbs

Meal 1. Oatmeal (16 Oz cooked), 5 dates, 1 whole Banana (chopped & stirred into oatmeal)

Meal 2. “Power Shake” 8 Oz non-fat milk, 8 Oz Orange Juice, 1 Banana (mix in blender)

Meal 3. Roasted chicken (6 Oz), rice (1 cup), beans (6 Oz), Sherbet (3 scoops)

Meal 4. Cottage cheese (1 cup), Pineapple (canned in own juice) 1 cup, Mandarin Oranges 1/2 cup

Meal 5. Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich,(1 Tbsp P-nut-butter + 1 Tbsp jelly on sprouted (flour-less) bread), 1cup non-fat milk, 1 Banana, 1 apple

Meal 6. . “Power Shake” 8 Oz non-fat milk, 8 Oz Orange Juice, 1 Banana (mix in blender)

Cal = 3674 / Protein = 159g / Fat = 62g / Carbs = 560g

DAY(S) 5-7 = High Protein / High Carbs

Meal 1. Non-fat milk (8 Oz), Oatmeal (8 Oz cooked), 3 egg whites (stirred into oatmeal), 5 dates (chopped & stirred into oatmeal)

Meal 2. “Power Shake” 8 Oz non-fat milk, 8 Oz Low-fat yogurt, 1 Banana (mix in blender)

Meal 3. Roasted chicken (6 Oz), rice (1 cup), beans (6 Oz), Sherbet (3 scoops)

Meal 4. Cottage cheese (1 cup), Pears (canned in own juice) 4 halves

Meal 5. Peanut butter sandwich 1 Tbsp P-nut-butter + 1 Tbsp jelly on sprouted (flour-less) bread, non-fat milk (1 cup) 1 Banana

Meal 6. Tuna sandwich (tuna packed in water) on sprouted (flour-less) bread, 1 apple, handful of nuts (your favorite)

Meal 7. “Power Shake” 8 Oz non-fat milk, 8 Oz Low-fat yogurt, 1 Banana (mix in blender)

Cal = 3586 / Protein = 211 / Fat = 69 / Carbs = 527

Remember, the goal of this plan is to add new lean mass (muscle) to your body while maintaining or perhaps even lowering your current body-fat percentage. If your current body-fat is above 10-12 %, then I recommend that you get a little leaner before attempting this plan. Try my lower carb, weight loss plan the Cyclical Ketogenic Diets made easy.

This plan is an example of how to properly structure your feedings to get big without getting fat. However, all eating plans require a break in period in order to dial in the specifics for your body. Be prepared to spend a couple of weeks fine tuning things to get the most out of your plan. Keeping a food journal will really help here.

Finally, for this plan to work, it must be accompanied by heavy, intense weight training. You will not get bigger and stronger by adjusting your P.E.P. alone. For ideas on workouts that will pair nicely with this P.E.P. follow the links at the bottom of this article.

P.S. Don’t forget that rest and recovery are just as important as the actual workouts themselves






Make your workouts Safe and Rewarding:

Information to help make your workouts  Safe and Rewarding:

By Jim Bryan

1. Wear comfortable clothes. Including a shirt.

2. Wear proper shoes. (Should cover whole foot and fit securely) No sandals, flip-flops, or bare-feet. Tennis shoes or athletic shoes best.

3. Ask about proper breathing when training. Don’t hold breath!

4. Have someone (that knows) show you the proper way to use equipment. Do this in all gyms you visit and you’ll keep yourself safe.

5. If doing multiple sets on selectorized machines GIVE WAY to some one doing single set circuit training. ABOVE ALL don’t sit on equipment and rest. Chairs are for resting and it’s rude to  sit on equipment when someone’s waiting.

6. Multiple training partners: Same as above. Don’t hog equipment. Ask if they want to work through.

7. Take frequent water breaks.

8. Make sure you don’t have anything in your pockets that will poke holes in or tear the upholstery. Also, you shouldn’t need a lifting belt in a machine with a seat belt.

9. Use the seat belts if the machine has one.

10. Machine weight stacks shouldn’t be making a banging noise. If they are you are not getting optimal stimulation from the exercise. Slow down, use a weight you can handle properly and control the movement.

11. Unload equipment when you are done and put it back in it’s proper place. This is just common courtesy. If you’re strong enough to put on 45 or 100 pound plates…You’re strong enough to unload them!

12. In resistance training, NO amount of “Single Joint,” “Shaping,” or “Toning” exercises will equal the results you  can get from a brief routine consisting of  Basic “Multi Joint” movements that cover the whole body. There really aren’t any short cuts. You have to put in the time and work. This goes for Men and Women! Walk away from anyone that tells you differently.

13. Be very careful who you get your supplements from and where you get them. Use a certified professional.  There are NO“miracle pills.”

14. Once checked out on a proper Strength Training routine you should be able to walk into a gym anywhere and have a safe workout, away from the prying eyes of the gym salesmen that lurk in almost every Gym Chain or Franchise. The only thing you may need is an explanation of unfamiliar equipment.

TAKU’s NOTE: This article was originally written in 2002 by my friend Jim Bryan. Thanks to Jim for sharing his thoughts about safe and rewarding training.

Is Daily Activity Beneficial?

By Jim Bryan:

Over training is a pretty hot subject. It has been on the minds of many since Arthur Jones brought it to our attention approx. 30 years ago. Yes, it has been that long. Some say there is no such thing as over training, that it is more like under training. While I don’t believe the last “Macho Speak” I don’t worry so much about over training anymore. When Arthur told me about over training he was speaking about being in the gym day in and day out just pounding away with the long drawn out workouts I used to do. I never really let myself recover and compensate.

When I first started training you had to look hard to find information on weight training. You weren’t blasted with the info, the way we are today. If my memory serves me we had two basic schools of thought back then. The first was ” You shouldn’t do anything except workout. If you worked a hard job or did a hard sport your muscles would suffer.” Even though I thought about this quite often back then I couldn’t wrap my brain around it. The other school of thought was made up of guys that couldn’t afford to lay around all day and had to work. Many times at very physical jobs. Or they spent off gym days pursuing a demanding sport. I was one of these. I not only went after one sport but tried everything I could. I was very active. I loved contact sports. Being a little guy I guess I had something to prove.

Later on after I got more into Bodybuilding, I trained more often, Sometimes twice a day. Almost always 6 days a week. Plus sports!  I met Arthur Jones in 1970. Things changed slowly after that. I say slowly because it’s hard sometimes to change. I am sold on hard brief workouts now but I don’t exclude longer workouts now and then. I really like variety.

“Daily Activity”
What does it mean to me? I still caution trainees about spending too much time in the gym but I don’t take that to the extreme, as some have. I feel each individual’s recuperation abilities differ. Here is what I recommend to my trainees and clients. Workout hard two to three days a week AND then find a sport that you can have fun with. AND I don’t mean a sport like checkers or chess. I mean a sport that has you up and on your feet! AND outdoors if at all possible. Here in Florida we have weather that allows us to be outdoors as much as we want. You can do sports and practice as often as you like. To me that is a perfect reason to build muscle and conditioning in the gym. After all that work in the gym go out and use it! I really don’t understand training only for looks. I’m not talking about the “Functional Training” gimmick either (Yes, it’s a gimmick). Build strength and endurance, and use it!  Don’t be afraid that you will lose precious “muscle size.” Just get up, get outside pull a sled, play Football, Baseball, Tennis, Jog, run Sprints, Box, Wrestle, participate in Martial Arts, play Soccer, water ski, surf. USE your muscle! Be a complete person.

Be an Athlete! Good luck! Train hard, train smart, be consistent! And above all have fun with your training!


Thanks to my friend Jim Bryan for another excellent article.