Back in March I wrote a piece called “Three books you should have”. All three were written by my friend, Strength and Conditioning coach, Tom Kelso. Well Tom has done it again. He has created another great training tool called 100 of the best STRENGTH TRAINING WORKOUTS. Instead of a book, he has put all of this great information on one, compact Data CD. Keep reading to see what you get.

100 ready-to-use workouts, including:

▪ 40 total body.

▪ 30 upper body.

▪ 30 lower body.

A detailed explanation of each workout, including workout recording forms to track your progress.  You choose the exercises based on your available equipment.

Workout variety: use barbells, dumbbells, plate-loading machines, selectorized machines, body weight exercises and/or other objects — heavy, moderate and light resistances — high, medium and low repetitions — varied rest times between exercises and workout completion times ranging from 5 to 55 minutes.

Print the recording forms and use to track your progress.

A variety of workouts that can be used for strength gains, weight gain, fat loss, muscular endurance and conditioning fitness.

Instructions and tips on recording workout data, the importance of training intensity and progression, the overload protocols used in all workouts, weekly training formats to use and how to vary training over an entire year for maximum results.

A comprehensive exercise list to choose from when selecting exercises: 1) conventional strength training exercises performed with free weights, machines, body weight or other objects/devices and 2) circuit/interval exercises for circuit and interval-type workouts including body weight, implement and running/moving type of exercises.

A catalog listing of all workouts that includes a detailed breakdown of each regarding its purpose, the resistances and repetitions used, rest time between sets and exercises, total number of sets used and the approximate time to complete each workout.

An outstanding reference for personal trainers, resistance training enthusiasts, coaches or anyone seeking sensible training guidelines, a variety of workouts, proven results, new training plan options and a comprehensive exercise list to reference.

If all of this sounds like something you cold use, go straight to and pick up your copy today!




Hey everyone, sorry I am a bit late with my up-date. As most of you probably know, I do my best to add something new every week. Well…I had a Birthday recently and was a bit distracted (more on that in the near future).

So this week I put together some quick little combat cross-training circuits. Try these on a non-strength day or depending on your goals, you could start or finish a workout with one of these little gems. Finally if your goal is to increase overall stamina as quickly as possible, try to stick with the weekly schedule as outlined below.

Your goal is to increase your speed on each part of the circuit while striving to lower the total time it takes you to complete the entire series each day. As you decrease rest between the elements of the series you will find your stamina improving rapidly. It is not unusual for people to notice improvements in as little as two weeks.


P.S. if you do not have any of the suggested equipment on hand, replace it with something else. Be creative.


1 Mile run (A.F.A.P.)*

3 x 2-minute rounds of Jump Rope

3 x 2-minute Rounds of Bag work

4 Sets of 25 bodyweight Squats

4 x 60-Yard Sprints
(A.F.A.P. 1:3 work to rest ratio)

10 x 30 sec on 30 sec off rowing

5 sets of 15 sec on 90 sec off speed training (Sprint A.F.A.P. for 15 sec)

10 minutes ARC trainer Strength

1 Mile run

3 x 2-minute rounds of Jump Rope

3 x 2-minute Rounds of Bag work

4 Sets of 25 bodyweight Squats

4 x 60-Yard Sprints
(A.F.A.P. 1:3 work to rest ratio)

5 minutes Speed intervals on Step-Mill

5 sets of 15 sec on 90 sec off speed training (Sprint A.F.A.P. for 15 sec)

10 minutes Intervals on Recumbent Bike

4 x 60-Yard Sprints (A.F.A.P. 1:3 work to rest ratio)

10 minutes ARC trainer Strength

3 x 2-minute rounds of Bag work

5 sets of 15 sec on 90 sec off speed training (Sprint A.F.A.P. for 15 sec)

*A.F.A.P. = As Fast As Possible