UPDATE! www.hybridfitness.tv has launched!

It’s been a long time coming, but Hybridfitness.tv is finally live.  If you haven’t already, please visit the site and see what’s available.  We’ve put together hundreds of articles, audio clips and video presentations.  We’ve also added a few other cool custom features.  If you’re not on our mailing list, please sign into the box on the top/right of the page.  We’ll send out free training info and programs and keep you informed of new things we’re working on.  It’s 100% spam free – don’t worry.

One of these features can be found on the right-side navigation bar and it’s titled “Exercise Video Database”.  This database contains nearly 500 videos which can be selected by exercises type, equipment type or zone of the body.  You can select individual videos and see how a particular exercise is performed, then click for a detailed description of each exercise.

Additionally, you can create custom video playlists for yourself or others.  Begin by selecting your desired videos, then arrange them in the order you want.  You can add notes for repetition count, set count, time, etc., then export the playlist to a weblink or embed it directly in your own blog.  We’re adding more videos to the library all the time and of course, we’ll be posting our own custom workouts on an ongoing basis.  Trust me, you don’t want to miss out on this.

We’ve also got a new blog site established to take the place of this one.  It’s still free, just new and improved.  Please visit the new location at www.hybridfitness.tv/blog

Thanks for your continued support.

Keep training hard.


4 X 4

The Four by Four, circuit was inspired by basic military physical training. It combines a few bodyweight exercises with brief, high intensity sprints. This workout is ideally performed on an outdoor track which has easy access to dipping and chinning bars. It can also be performed at home, if one has a treadmill as well as some sort of chinning and dipping station at their disposal.

Before we are ready to workout we must first do a pre-test for both the running and callisthenic portions of the circuit. For the run we need to know your fastest time for a one mile run. The calisthenics in this circuit are Push-ups, Chin-ups, Dips, and sit-ups. Perform a max rep test for each of these movements as follows:

1. Push-ups: Maximum repetitions completed from a fully extended, top position, with a one second pause at the top and bottom of each repetition.

2. Chin-ups: Maximum repetitions completed from a fully extended, hang position, with a one second pause at the top and bottom of each repetition.

3. Dips: Maximum repetitions completed from a fully extended, top position, with a one second pause at the top and bottom of each repetition.

4. Sit-ups: Knees bent at 90 degrees with feet flat on floor. Cross arms in front of chest and place the fingertips of the hands on top of the opposite side shoulder. Curl up and raise the torso to a point where the tips of the elbows contact the knees. Maximum repetitions completed from a fully extended, bottom position, with a one second pause at the top and bottom of each repetition.

Once we have recorded the pre-test data for each of the five exercises we are ready to begin. The circuit is completed as follows. Perform one set @ 50% of your max repetitions for each of the four upper body strength movements, resting 30 seconds between exercises. Then run ¼ mile (440 yards) at 100% of your best mile speed – 10 seconds. Rest 3-5 minutes and then repeat the circuit three more times for a total of four repetitions.

This circuit is just one example of hundreds that could be created using these same five exercises. For instance you could increase the running distance to more accurately reflect the types of runs you prefer. If you currently run 3-5 miles at a time you might increase the run to one mile aiming for a goal time of 85-95% of your fastest mile time as a starting goal. If you prefer more of a sprinting challenge you may run shorter or longer sprint distances or you can increase the speed of your 440s and aim to max out on each one. The between exercise and between repetition rest intervals may also be manipulated to reflect your existing fitness level, your training goals, or both.



*Example of running ¼ mile at your best mile speed – 10 seconds, would be as follows. Your current fastest mile time is 6 minutes. Divide that time by 4 which = 90 seconds. This means your goal time for each 440 yard run is 80 seconds.



Kettlebell Juggling

Hey Everyone:

On Friday we participated in an afternoon kettlebell workshop with our resident kettlebell specialist, John Wild of Orange Kettlebell Club (www.orangekettlebellclub.com)  We covered a bunch of great material.

During one of our intermissions, John demonstrated a little kettlebell juggling.  This is just a sample of his skill.  John’s a great coach, a great athlete and we’re lucky to have him as part of the team.

Visit his site, drop him a line and check out his videos on YouTube.  In the meantime, keep training hard and enjoy this video.

Jason K.

Kettlebell Workshop

We’re heading to a kettlebell workshop today, coached by John Wild of Orange Kettlebell Club.  John is a good friend and an exceptional coach.  He recently launched his website and has established a great community of kettlebell (and non-kettlebell) followers.

Check out his site at www.orangekettlebellclub.com.  Feel free to drop him an email and be sure to tell him the Hybrid Fitness guys sent you.

Keep training hard and feel free to post any questions to the comments section. We’ll answer them right away.


One of the biggest mistakes I see people make in the gym is trying to emulate the training routines of champion athletes. Emulating the champs routine will not get anyone any closer to being the champ.

Remember most outstanding athletes are more a product of their personal mental and physical attributes then the actual training methods they utilize. These natural talents are then further enhanced through dedicated practice of specific sport skills and adherence to the proper physical preparedness protocols. Combine these with tactical motivational and philosophical support by the right coaches and mentors and we are witness to a sort of synergistic alchemy. This is the beauty of seeing the truly exceptional athlete in action. When seen at their peak you are witnessing the product of years of dedication and hard work.

So remember, there is no secret pill, powder, potion or routine that will guarantee athletic success. Be passionate about your sport. Combine that passion with a solid foundation of proper sports  nutrition, strength training and conditioning. Experiment to find what works best for you. Make a plan and keep accurate records. Seek out the guidance of the best coaches you can find and or afford. Train hard. Recover fully. Repeat.

Finally stop trying to be like anyone else. Be the best you, that you can be. And have fun while you are at it.

