Makeshift Gym + Intervals = ???

Makeshift gym + Intervals = Success!

Thought I’d share another success story for you. I’ve got a client who, together with her husband, make a very comfortable living. Without going into detail about their financial situation, suffice it to say they live in a million-dollar home and drive luxury cars. Why not, they’ve earned it!

They could easily afford memberships to the ritziest clubs in the city. Instead, they opt for a different situation. The wife trains with me a couple times per week. We begin most sessions with a short warm-up run, followed by a set of high-intensity sprint intervals. We run back to the house and hit the “gym”. The gym is a small section of the garage with a handful of equipment. Literally, it consists of a sandbag, a kettlebell, a medicine ball, a couple sets of dumbbells and a selection of sportbands. Why work out in her garage when she could be working out in style and comfort at a club? Simply because she’s only focussed on results. Who cares how big a gym’s pool is or what kind of bottled water the sell (overcharge for)? If you’re goal is to get in shape, it’s not about where you train, but how you train.

The intervals, along with the resistance training, has transformed her body (almost) back to what it was in college. It has nothing to do with the brand of cardio equipment, the size of the fitness room or the price of the membership. Honestly, the total cost of ALL her equipment is still less than one month’s membership at the top clubs in the city and easily less than 2 months at mid-level clubs…including the YMCA! Plus, she doesn’t have to drive anywhere or factor in that extra time in the morning. (BTW, thanks to Iron Woody Fitness for providing the gear at great prices!)

So the bottom line is, it’s not where you train but how you train and how HARD you train. You can get instant gratification from your training, but it’s always going to be directly related to the work you put into it. If you train hard and train consistently, you will succeed. If you need to hire a trainer to keep you on task, do it, but make sure you’re getting the most out of the time. If you don’t feel like you’re being pushed hard enough, speak up…it’s your money, after all.

So quit reading this blog and get training! Well…maybe read a few more posts, forward the URL onto your friends and family, THEN get to training. πŸ™‚

Keep training hard!

Jason K.

P.S.: If you haven’t yet, take a look at Iron Woody Fitness. I can’t say enough good things about them. I purchased a few sets of bands several years ago and I still use the same bands today. Trust me, they’ve seen their fair share of use, but they continue endure the punishment I throw at them. That goes for the bells I’ve purchased as well. Bottom line is, they have great products, superior customer service and rockin’ prices. Yes, we’re an Iron Woody affiliate and proud of it.

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